Published October 8, 2017 | Version v2
Journal article Open

REINVENTING ISLAMIC HIGHER EDUCATION TO THE QUALIFIED HIGHER EDUCATION (Comparative Study to the Quality of Education Service in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Syarif Kasim Riau, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)

  • 1. U


Management Modernization of Islamic Higher Education (PTAI) is already done. If these changes can be made by the management of Islamic Higher Education, then it will certainly give births to a new paradigm of college recast. But if there is no change, it's useless to be UIN from IAIN and to be IAIN from STAIN. True UIN development philosophy is not just to create human who has ability to do job alone, but it is also directed to the development of scientific identity. Science and technology developed in the UIN is not castrate Islamic study programs, as is the identity of Islamic science of UIN. UIN as one of college-based Islamic science, it must prioritize its efforts on building a strong Islamic science. Majors and courses should be more developed, by integrating Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Program. Globalization of education policy implementation should be able to change UIN academic climate in establishing the identity of science, the science of Islam. A sense of pride to the college motto of UIN as pioneer and excellent higher education in Islamic field, is not merely a "political jargon" but must be answered with a change in mindset, appreciation and habituation harness and leverage the potential of the most precious wealth for UIN, which is manner and morality of all people in the community independence of UIN with capital itself; Changes in vision, mission and organizational structure should provide an opportunity for the civitas academic towards further improvement in professional skills supported by an increase in welfare. Commitment should arrive at concrete form, which is supported by the additional financing and revenue system in the form of profit-sharing in fair and equitable to all components of the organization. In addition, it is also political action of UIN managers to change the mindset, appreciation and abandon old habits and ways of conventional management, to implement these patterns through a collaborative agreement forms both internally and externally, with the courage to compete with external organizations, dare to foster competition among internal elements of the organization. More daring to show excellent comparative into competitive advantage.


Reinventing. Doarj.pdf