Published July 7, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Stegolaria geniculata

  • 1. Vigo - Centro de Investigación Mariña, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar, Universidade de Vigo, Spain. & Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, Spain.
  • 2. Vigo - Centro de Investigación Mariña, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar, Universidade de Vigo, Spain.


Stegolaria geniculata (Allman, 1888)

Cryptolaria geniculata Allman, 1888: 41, pl. 20 figs 1, 1a–b.

Stegolaria geniculata – Ramil & Vervoort 1992: 32–34, fig. 4c–e. — Watson & Vervoort 2001: 154, fig. 2a–d.

Material examined

SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN • 1 colony, 10 mm high, without gonothecae; Vema Seamount, stn Dive 3; 71–935 m depth; 31 Jan. 2015; SEAFO-2015 leg.; SEAFO-2015-40648 • 54 colonies, 15–62 mm high (2 colonies growing on bivalves, 2 on ghost fishing net and 2 on ropes), 21 colonies, with gonothecae; Valdivia Seamount, stn BT12; 24°49′01″–24°47′38″ S, 6°24′40″–6°25′26″ E; 887– 886 m depth; 7 Feb. 2015; SEAFO-2015 leg.; SEAFO-2015-40220, SEAFO-2015-40342, SEAFO-2015-40462, SEAFO-2015-40582, SEAFO-2015-40707, SEAFO-2015-40792, SEAFO-2015-40811, SEAFO-2015- 40822, SEAFO-2015-40850, SEAFO-2015-40852.


A circumglobal species (Ramil & Vervoort 1992), widely distributed in deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Vervoort 2006). Its bathymetric distribution extends between 300 and 1727 m (Stepanjants 2012; Gil 2017).


Published as part of Gil, Marta & Ramil, Fran, 2021, Hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Vema and Valdivia seamounts (SE Atlantic), pp. 49-96 in European Journal of Taxonomy 758 on page 60, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.758.1425,


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Additional details


  • Allman G. J. 1888. Report on the Hydroida dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Part II. The Tubularinae, Corymorphinae, Campanularinae, Sertularinae and Thalamorphora. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Zoology 23 (70): 1 - 90.
  • Ramil F. & Vervoort W. 1992. Report on the Hydroida collected by the " BALGIM " expedition in and around the Strait of Gibraltar. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 277: 1 - 262.
  • Watson J. E. & Vervoort W. 2001. The hydroid fauna of Tasmanian seamounts. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 334: 151 - 188.
  • Vervoort W. 2006. Leptolida (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) collected during the CANCAP and Mauritania- II expeditions of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands [Anthoathecata, various families of Leptothecata and addenda]. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 80 (1): 181 - 318.
  • Stepanjants S. D. 2012. Deep-water Hydrozoa (Cnidaria: Medusozoa) in the Sea of Japan, collected during the 51 st cruise of R / V Akademik M. A. Lavrentyev, with description Opercularella angelikae, sp. nov. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 86 - 87: 231 - 237. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. dsr 2.2012.08.014