Genome-wide association study identifies 18 novel loci associated with left atrial volume and function
- 1. Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Publication: Genome-wide association study identifies 18 novel loci associated with left atrial volume and function
Ahlberg and Andreasen et al.
Published: 29 July 2021, doi:
summary statistics for LAmax: rntrn_ilamax.bgen.stats.betastd.tsv.gz
summary statistics for LAmin: rntrn_ilamin.bgen.stats.betastd.tsv.gz
summary statistics for LAAEF: rntrn_laaef.bgen.stats.betastd.tsv.gz
summary statistics for LAPEF: rntrn_lapef.bgen.stats.betastd.tsv.gz
summary statistics for LATEF: rntrn_latef.bgen.stats.betastd.tsv.gz
SNP: rs number or ID string
CHR: chromosome
BP: physical (base pair) position
GENPOS: genetic position either from bim file or interpolated from genetic map
ALLELE1: first allele in bim file (usually the minor allele), used as the effect allele
ALLELE0: second allele in bim file, used as the reference allele
A1FREQ: frequency of first allele
F_MISS: fraction of individuals with missing genotype at this SNP
BETA: effect size from BOLT-LMM approximation to infinitesimal mixed model
SE: standard error of effect size
P_BOLT_LMM_INF: infinitesimal mixed model association test p-value
P_BOLT_LMM: non-infinitesimal mixed model association test p-value
N: sample size
bstd: standardized effect size from BOLT-LMM
sestd: standardized standard error of effect size