Published May 31, 2021 | Version 2.0
Project deliverable Open

D3.1 – TheFSM Open Reference Architecture

  • 1. UBITECH


The purpose of the deliverable D3.1 “TheFSM Open Reference Architecture” is to deliver the second version of the conceptual architecture of the TheFSM platform. Towards this, the Agile development methodology has been adopted, as already introduced in D3.1 (v1.0, M9), based on which during M9-M15 the second iteration of TheFSM Platform Architecture definition takes place.

Whereas the first version of TheFSM Platform Architecture focused on the methodology definition, the user requirements analysis and the mapping of the technical requirements to the conceptual architecture, the second version of the TheFSM Platform Architecture is to further refine and enhance TheFSM Platform Architecture based on the outputs of T3.1-T3.6 of the first iteration of the TheFSM Platform, which delivered the first version of TheFSM Platform prototype. Additionally, the second iteration, also revisits the user requirements, through the second version of the user requirements, as they are delivered in the second iteration of T1.1-T1.4 and T1.5 and ensures that all the relevant updates on the features of TheFSM Platform are taken under consideration. Within this context, the scope of the current report can be described in the following axes:

  • To present a comprehensive documentation of the architecture of TheFSM Platform. A brief description of each component is presented focusing on their positioning within the platform’s architecture. For each component, the platform functionalities that are undertaken by this component are described and the component’s interactions with the rest of the components for the realisation of these functionalities is documented.
  • To provide the updated documentation of the components of the TheFSM platform. For each component of the integrated TheFSM Platform, the core functionalities that the component offers are described. In addition to this, the involvement of each component in the TheFSM platform’s services and in the designed platform’s workflows is presented. Furthermore, for each component, the interactions with the rest of the components, as well as the interfaces that are offered in order to facilitate the required exchange of information, are presented. Finally, the technical details of these interfaces are documented and presented in the technical view of TheFSM Platform Architecture.

The design of the architecture is a living and iterative process that will last until M36 as per the Description of Action. Thus, D3.1 constitutes a living document that will include the updates that will be based on further identified functional requirements translated into technical requirements, originating mainly from the evaluation and feedback received from the pilot partners, and will introduce updates and refinements in TheFSM Architecture presented in the upcoming versions of this deliverable.


D3.1 Open Reference Architecture V2_M15.pdf

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European Commission
TheFSM – The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification 871703