Published May 2, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Vertagopus cinereus Folsom 1924


L. cinereus Folsom, 1924

Lepidocyrtus cyaneus var. cinereus Folsom, 1924: 9

Lepidocyrtus pallidus Reuter, 1890: 24

AB Berg & Pawluk 1984; Skidmore 1995; Lindo 2014 as cinereus and pallidus

ON James 1933; Maynard 1951

Remarks: According to Christiansen & Bellinger (1980, p. 939), old “published records [of L. cinereus] are suspect because of confusion with other species”. On the other hand, those of L. pallidus in the Nearctic “are [also] unreliable because of possible confusion with other species, especially L. cinereus ” (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980, p. 952). It should be noted that the occurrence of true L. pallidus, said to be “the commonest species of the genus in Nearctic collections” by Christiansen & Bellinger (1980, p. 952), later became doubtful because “none of the specimens we had identified as pallidus are in fact that species” (Christiansen & Bellinger 1998, p. 1058).

General distribution: Nearctic.


Published as part of Babenko, Anatoly, Stebaeva, Sophya & Turnbull, Matthew S., 2019, An updated checklist of Canadian and Alaskan Collembola, pp. 1-125 in Zootaxa 4592 (1) on page 83, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4592.1.1,


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Vertagopus cinereus Folsom, 1924 sec. Babenko, Stebaeva & Turnbull, 2019


  • Folsom, J. W. (1924) New species of Collembola from New York State. American Museum Novitates, 108, 1 - 12.
  • Reuter, O. M. (1890) Collembola in caldariis viventiqa enameravit novasque species descripait. Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 17, 17 - 28.
  • Berg, N. W. & Pawluk, S. (1984) Soil mesofaunal studies under different vegetative regimes in North Central Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 64, 209 - 223. https: // doi. org / 10.4141 / cjss 84 - 022
  • Skidmore, R. E. (1995) Checklist of Collembola (Insecta: Apterygota) of Canada and Alaska. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 126, 45 - 76.
  • Lindo, Z. (2014) Springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) of the Prairie Grasslands of Canada. In: Carcamo, H. & Giberson, D. J. (Eds), Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands, Volume 3. Biodiversity and Systematics, Part 1. Chapter 6. Biological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 191 - 198. https: // doi. org / 10.3752 / 9780968932162. ch 6
  • James, H. G. (1933) Collembola of the Toronto region with notes on the biology of Isotoma palustris Mueller. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, 19, 77 - 116.
  • Maynard, E. A. (1951) A Monograph of the Collembola or Springtail Insects of New York State. Comstock Publishing Company, Inc., Ithaca, New York, 339 pp.
  • Christiansen, K. & Bellinger, P. (1980) The Collembola of North America, North of the Rio Grande, 1 st edition. Part 1. Poduridae & Hypogastruridae, Part 2. Onychiuridae & Isotomidae, Part 3. Entomobryidae. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, 1 - 1042.
  • Christiansen, K. A. & Bellinger, P. (1998) The Collembola of North America, North of the Rio Grande, 2 nd edition. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, 1518 pp.