Published July 5, 2021 | Version 0.8.2
Dataset Open

SNAPP Flow Impacts Literature Review Datasets

  • 1. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 2. Stanford University, The Natural Capital Project, The World Bank
  • 3. The Nature Conservancy
  • 4. Stanford University, The Natural Capital Project
  • 5. University of Minnesota, Institute on the Environment
  • 6. University of California, Berkeley
  • 7. CONDESAN Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion
  • 8. Conservation International


Datasets created and used in the SNAPP Flow Impacts project ( contains a SQLite database with the results of a systematic review of agricultural and rangeland BMP effects on water flows in these systems.  Please see the included documentation regarding the status of quality control, as the database includes results from a somewhat broader literature search than could be fully quality controlled. 

SNAPPFlowImpacts_Forest_placeholder.xlsx is an excel spreadsheet containing the results of a "review of reviews" of the effects of forest management on water flows. The current version is a placeholder without the full set of citations, which will be updated in the near future.

SNAPPFlowImpacts_Wetland_Final.xlsx is an excel spreadsheet containing the results of a "review of reviews" of the effects of wetland management on water flows, including both a summary sheet and details for each citation. 

SNAPP Flow Impacts Literature Review Datasets - metadata_02July2021.pdf contains metadata information for the database and the spreadsheet. It is also included in the .zip file for easy access.


Updated from 0.8.1 by including metadata document as a separate download.


SNAPP Flow Impacts Literature Review Datasets - metadata_02July2021.pdf

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