Alliance-Dynamics-Experiment-Software: June 2021
- 1. TBS Business School
- 2. LMU
- 3. KU Leuven
- 4. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Folders HighCompetition_ThreePartners, HighCompetition_TwoPartners, LowCompetition_ThreePartners, and LowCompetition_TwoPartners contain programs for running the experiments reported on in our article.
Each folder contains programs for two treatments: with or without exit costs (file names are self explanatory). Each treatment has two files: one for the first interaction, one for later interactions. The program for the first interaction contains detailed instructions and the entry quiz to check for understanding. The program for later treatments repeats automatically indefinitely, until a certain random variable takes a certain value. This implements the "infinite repetition" of our experiment.
Requirement for running these programs: ztree and zleaf release 15 or newer. [Fischbacher, U. (2007). "z-Tree: Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments." Experimental Economics 10, pp. 171–178.]
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