Development of the constitutional process in Ukraine: realities and prospects
Peculiarities and problems of the process of reforming the main constitutional institutions are studied. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the domestic constitutional process continues throughout the period of formation of an independent, democratic and legal Ukrainian state, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of our civil society. It is stated, that integration from the general philosophical point of view is a process or actions that result in integrity, unification, connection, restoration of unity. The dictionary of foreign words states that integration is the unification of any parts, elements. Integration develops on the basis of the internationalization of the whole civil society, which is accelerated by scientific and technological progress. States, involved in the integration process, share positive experiences. It was found out, that the current stage of state building requires scientific support of Ukraine up to European standards of public life. In the current European integration conditions, modern Ukraine, as never before, needs a correct and reasonable process of adopting a new version of the Basic Law. Since the state power plays a very important role in the transformation of Ukraine into a democratic, strong and integral state, the power of our state must focus its efforts on bringing the constitutional modernization to a certain level and implement it. It is established, that the main criterion for the division of the "constitutional process" into separate types is its essential features. Depending on the scope and practical implementation of the relevant elements of the «constitutional process», its content can be considered in different directions, which were proved above. A significant number of domestic scholars who have devoted their work to the «constitutional process» use this term as a description of the systems of relevant events that took place during a certain period (stages of the process) and preceded or directly were the time of the Constitution of Ukraine
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