The Effect of Price Perception and Game Features in Online Virtual Game Item Purchase Decisions
This study tries to answer the research objectives, namely to find out how the influence of Price Perception and Game
Features on Online Game Virtual Item Purchase Decisions. The results of hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis with
two independent variables and one dependent variable indicate that: The proposed H1 states that Price Perception has no effect
on Online Game Virtual Item Purchase Decisions, it can be seen if the tcount value is 0.896 or less than ttable (α : 5%, df : 37 =
2.026192), in addition, the significance value is 0.376 or greater than the model significance value of 0.05. Then H1 is rejected,
meaning that this cannot affect the Online Game Item Virtual Purchase Decision. The proposed H2 states that Game Features have
an effect on Online Game Virtual Item Purchase Decisions, it can be seen if the tcount value of 1.908 is smaller than ttable (5%, df
: 37 = 2.026192), but the significance value is 0.064 or greater than the value the significance of the model is 0.05. Then H2 is
rejected, meaning that this cannot affect the Online Game Item Virtual Purchase Decision. The proposed H3 states that Price
Perception and Game Features simultaneously affect the Decision to Purchase Virtual Items Online Game, from table 4.12 the
Fcount value is 4.751 or greater than the Ftable value (α : 5%, dk numerator : 2, dk denominator : 39 -2-1, Ftable: 3.26), besides
the significance value is 0.015 or less than the model significance (0.05), it can be concluded if H3 is accepted, meaning that Price
Perception and Game Features simultaneously affect Virtual Purchase Decisions Online Game Items.
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