Published June 29, 2021 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Cross-cultural context endorsement in visual e-commerce: A study of Dutch and Indian female consumers

  • 1. Tilburg University, the Netherlands


This study aims to investigate context in advertisements, with a focus on cultural preferences of online consumers. For this, Hall’s context model is used that differentiates between high/low context messages and cultures. In this investigation, context adaptation is created through different types of celebrity-product match endorsements. In an experimental survey, Dutch and Indian female consumers judged two versions of an Instagram advertisement in which a celebrity (Mila Kunis) endorses Nike sports shoes. The static display context version of the advertisement co-presented the celebrity. In the dynamic display context version of the advertisement, she was shown to be actively wearing/running in the sports shoes. The data suggest culturally specific contextual preferences that influence the attitudes and purchase intentions of the two cultural groups. For the Dutch consumers, the product match, the celebrity credibility and the purchase intentions were different because of the static-context advertisement when compared with the dynamic display context advertisement. However, this was not observed in case of the Indian consumers.


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