Published June 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Electromechanical guidance system based on a fuzzy proportional-plus-differential position controller

  • 1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • 2. Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Ukraine


Purpose. The purpose is to develop solutions for the implementation of optimal laws of arms positioning, overshoot-free and requiring no post-adjustments. Method. The control model is based on the fuzzy set theory; and the structural modeling methodology is used to study the dynamics indices. Results. The structural scheme of the positional electromechanical system with a fuzzy proportional-plus-differential position controller and the method of control adaptation to the position reference signal change are obtained. Scientific novelty. A model of a fuzzy proportional-differential controller signal adaptation in the structure of a positional electromechanical system is proposed. Practical value. A solution is obtained for the implementation of optimal guidance process, non-overshooting and requiring no post-adjustments, also featuring the maximum weapons speed and minimal sensitivity to parametric disturbances.


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