Published November 28, 2020 | Version Volume 4 Issue 2
Journal article Open

Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research_2020 Volume_4 Issue_2

  • 1. EJAR


Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research_2020 Volume_4 Issue_2


significance of cryopreservation biotechnology for protection of aquatic species  page : 64-71

Detecting the Chemical Changes of Sugar Beet by Using Remote Sensing Technology page : 72-80

Comparative Assessment on the Research Managed and Farmer Managed Onion Production in Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 

page : 81-91

Advantages of Using the Biofertilizers in Ukrainian Agroecosystems page : 92-123

Enhancing Yield and Profitability of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Application of Different Organic Foliar Fertilizer page : 124-133

NPK Contents of Vermicast as Influenced by Varying Substrates page : 134-143

Investigation of the Lagged Effects of Livestock Supports on the Animal Production Value in Turkey page : 144-156


Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research_2020 Volume 4 Issue 2.pdf

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