Published June 25, 2021 | Version ThermoCodegen v0.6.7
Dataset Restricted

ThermoCodegen Fo-SiO2 database

  • 1. Columbia University


ThermoCodegen v0.6.7 generated thermodynamic database for the Forsterite-SiO2 binary system developed by Lucy Tweed, 2021

This system is described by a custom Thermodynamic Database consisting of four phases, constructed from five endmembers.

The first phase is silicate Liquid constructed as an assymetric regular solution between two endmembers:

  • Forsterite (Mg2SiO4lq)

  • Qz4 (Si2O4lq)

where Mg2SiO4lq is the forsteritic xMelts model and Qz4 is an endmember constructed from two moles of an xMelts SiO2lq model.

The next three phases are pure phases each constructed from a single endmember

  • Olivine (endmember: Forsterite, Mg2SiO4ol)

  • Opx (endmember: Orthoenstatite, MgSiO3opx)

  • pQz (endmember: polymorphic SiO2, SiO2qz)

where pQz is constructed from a single polymorphic endmember (see below). All of the mineral endmembers are from (Berman, 1988)



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.