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Published June 30, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D6.1 First version of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP)

  • 1. APRE
  • 2. CHX
  • 1. APRE
  • 2. AU


Due to the need of communicating and disseminating to different types of target groups, a structured Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP) has been designed in order to ensure a wider communication of the TIME4CS mission, and disseminate its results and activities among the beneficiaries as well as among the target audiences of the project activities.

Dissemination is linked only to the results of the project which are often disseminated within the action’s own community (e.g. presentation at scientific conferences, a peer reviewed publication). Promoting the action and its results on the other hand goes beyond that, as it means taking strategic and targeted measures for communicating about (i) the action and (ii) its results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange.

The plan will have a triple function:

·        the section dedicated to communication will define the communication goals, target audiences, main messages to be conveyed and the strategy to be adopted to overcome the barriers that could negatively affect the communication of TIME4CS and improve the engagement of the primary and the secondary target audiences about the activities of the project.

·        the dissemination section will optimise the visibility of the project’s results: a spectrum of proper dissemination channels will be used and adapted to the targeted groups

·        the exploitation section will show the instruments and strategy adopted in order to favorite the exploitation of project results.

Both channels and groups will be listed in this Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP).



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European Commission
TIME4CS – Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology 101006201