Published February 26, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Community-level plant-pollinator interactions in a Palaeotropical montane evergreen oak forest ecosystem
Kato, Makoto, Kawakita, Atsushi, Goto, Ryutaro, Okamoto, Tomoko, Kobayashi, Chisato, Imada, Yume, Nakase, Yuta, Nishioka, Tatsuki, Chanthavong, Bakham, Keothumma, Khamsing, Kosaka, Yasuyuki (2021): Community-level plant-pollinator interactions in a Palaeotropical montane evergreen oak forest ecosystem. Journal of Natural History 54 (33-34): 2125-2176, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1837977, URL:
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