There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 22, 2021 | Version 1.1.0
Software Open

ncsu-landscape-dynamics/rpops: PoPS 1.1.0

  • 1. NC State University
  • 2. North Carolina State University



  • New dispersal kernels added: Uniform, Power-law, Deterministic neighbor, Hyperbolic-Secant, Gamma, Weibull, Normal, and Logistic (@ChrisJones687, #73).

    • These kernels are usable for both (natural_dispersal_kernel, anthropogenic_dispersal_kernel).
    • Used in the following functions (pops, pops_multirun, auto_manage, calibrate, and validate).
  • Overpopulation module added to pops-core (@wenzeslaus, #83).

  • Spatial Index to increase computational speed (@ChrisJones, #67)

  • Exposed and Infected populations can both be present at the start of a simulation (@ChrisJones687, #92).

  • Internal functions for data handling have switched from the raster package to the terra package (@ChrisJones687, #79).

    • Adds terra dependency.
    • Greatly speeds up data handling and preparation.
  • Mask parameter now used in pops-multirun for post processing data for visualization (@ChrisJones687, #104).

  • Calibration function now takes verbose parameter (@nfkruska, #99).

  • All functions now support vrt data types (@ChrisJones687, #97).

  • Raster files can now be read from S3 buckets (@chrisJones687, #75).

    • needed for model-api for dashboard
  • Outputs can now be saved with write_outputs and output_folder_path parameters (@ChrisJones687, #111).

  • Host map now used as initial mask for post processing and validation calculations (@ChrisJones687, #112).

  • Movements now moves exposed, resistant, and mortality tracked populations (@ChrisJones687, #118).

  • Mortality can now occur at various timesteps not just yearly (@ChrisJones687, #118).

    • Can be either "day", "week", "month", "year", or "every_n_steps".
    • adds parameters mortality_frequency and mortality_frequency_n.
  • Validation now exports the statistics for each output and the cumulative statistics for each year (@ChrisJones687, #121).

  • Treatments now update total_hosts (@ChrisJones687, #122)



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