Published July 30, 2021 | Version v2
Book chapter Open

Reflections on international cooperation

  • 1. Wayne State University Law School


This unit was published in „International Cooperation of Competition Authorities in Europe: from Bilateral Agreements to Transgovernmental Networks” Błachucki, M., ed., (2020).



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  • European Competition Network Cooperation in merger control. The EU Merger Working Group. Available from: [Accessed September, 12 2020].
  • CALKINS, S. (2018) Reflections on Matsushita and 'Equilibrating Tendencies': Lessons for Competition Authorities, Antitrust Law Journal 82, p. 201.
  • US Department of Justice. Ofce of Public Affairs (2019) Antitrust Division Announces New Policy to Incentivize Corporate Compliance (July 11, 2019). Available from: pr/antitrust-division-announces-new-policy-incentivize-corporate-compliance [Accessed September, 12 2020].
  • CALKINS, S. (1998) Corporate Compliance and the Antitrust Agencies' Bi-Modal Penalties, Law & Contemporary Problems 60, p. 127.
  • US Department of Justice. Ofce of Public Affairs (2019) New multilateral framework on procedures approved by the International Competition Network (April, 5 2019). Available from: https://www. [Accessed September 12, 2020].
  • 295 US 602 (1935) (Sutherland, J.) (9-0). A Commissioner may be removed only for 'inefciency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in ofce'. 15 U.S.C. §41.
  • CALKINS, S. (2019) Remarks Intended for Delivery on the Acceptance of the American Antitrust Institute's 2019 Award for Antitrust Achievement. Available from: https://www.antitrustinstitute. org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Calkins_201-Antitrust-Achievement-Award.pdf [Accessed September, 12 2020].
  • SCHMALENSEE, R. (1999) Bill Baxter in the Antitrust Arena: An Economist's Appreciation, Stanford Law Review, 51, pp. 1317, 1326.
  • Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [2020] US Report 591, 140 S. Ct., p. 2183.
  • The Supreme Court will be addressing the question of the Constitutionality of protections for heads of agencies again in the forthcoming term. Collins v. Mnuchin (2020) Dkt. 19-42 (cert. granted July 9, 2020) (consolidated with Dkt. 19-563).
  • GOODMAN, R. (2020) 11 Top Antitrust Experts Alarmed by Whistleblower Complaint Against A.G. Bar—and Ofce of Professional Responsibility's Opinion. Available from: https://www. [Accessed September 12, 2020].
  • CALKINS, S. (2003) Perspectives on State and Federal Antitrust Enforcement. Duke Law Journal 53, p. 673.
  • CK Telecoms UK Investments Ltd. v. Commission [2020] ECLI:EU:T:2020:217.