Published May 31, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D3.5 Final implementation of the interworking reference model

  • 1. Nextworks
  • 2. WINGS


This deliverable D3.5 is the final deliverable that describes the implementation and testing of the Interworking Layer (IWL). This deliverable contains the description of all IWL components, including design and features reported previously in D3.4 ([16]) and the new features developed in the last part of the 5G EVE project. With this approach, we want to offer a complete view of our work and a full detailed description of the Interworking Layer.
We include the low-level detail of each IWL component, explaining the offered services as well as the internal architecture. The most relevant feature included in the final version is the multi-site support, which allows to deploy an experiment across several 5G EVE sites. We explain how IWL implements a distributed transaction logic in order to perform the deployment of an experiment.
Also, we finish the integration of the IWL with all the 5G EVE sites, which implies the integration with different NFV-Os (ONAP and OSM) and the integration with Radio Controllers (EVER and NC).
We include a small update about the inter-site connectivity, with the successfully demonstrated Gaming use case, which required an inter-connection between Spain and Greece for the User Plane. Also, the final roadmap of the Inter Working Layer is included.
Finally, we include the results of pending tests that has been executed after the delivery of D3.7, mainly related to multi-site use cases and the integration with ONAP orchestrated sites.


D3.5 Final implementation of the interworking reference model.pdf

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European Commission
5G EVE – 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials 815074