Published May 20, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Return From Shot Oblivion (Based on the Materials of Serhii Zhyhalko Trial)

  • 1. The Return From Shot Oblivion (Based on the Materials of Serhii Zhyhalko Trial)


The article is based on the archival materials from the former special funds found and processed for the first time by the author, which relate to the short life and activity of the Ukrainian publicist and writer, one of the creators of literary periodicals of the 20-the 30s of the 20th century, Serhii Zhyhalko. So far, nothing was known about the fate of this author.

The author’s goal is to join to the return of Serhii Zhyhalko’s name, a native of the Boryspil region, whose creativity seems to have not only been appreciated but not read as well. Or, more precisely, it is scattered, that is, lost in numerous Ukrainian periodicals of the post-revolutionary period. Here are the examples of those numerous periodicals: "Nova hromada" ("New Community"), "Hart", "Chervonyi Shliakh" ("Red Way"), "Molodniak" ("Youth"), "Hlobus" ("Globe"), "Vsesvit" ("Universe"), "Kino" ("Cinema"), "Zhyttia i Revoliutsiia" ("Life and Revolution").

The name of this talented person, according to his freedom-loving vision, ie dissent, did not fit into the workers ‘and peasants’ theme of the newly created socialist realism, as the leading and defining line of the party in the literary process. The manifesto of the All-Ukrainian Congress of Proletarian Writers put a categorical slogan: a resolute struggle of the cultural front workers, to whom the party delimited primarily: writers, journalists, and filmmakers, "for the international class union of Ukrainian literature against the bourgeois nationalist, for the volitional active proletarian worldview in the literature against the bourgeois and passive, for social art versus individualistic-bohemian…". The workers ‘and peasants’ sickle and hammer became a reliable tool in the Bolshevik mowing and threshing of literary talents.

During his life, Zhyhalko published three books: a collection of short stories "Single Shot" (publishing house "Mass", K. 1927), the novel "Shadows in the Alleys" (State Publishing House of Ukraine, H.-K., 1930), and the novel "Lime Blossom"State Publishing House of Ukraine, H.-K., 1930). All the works soon got into special funds. Much of the author’s work was destroyed during court inquiries. Serhii Zhyhalko’s hitherto unknown work is doomed to return to the Ukrainian reader, to enrich the spiritual world of Ukrainians, so ungratefully forgotten in the oppressive era of the Soviet Communist Inquisition.

