Published April 9, 2017
| Version v0.102.0
feelpp/feelpp: v0.102.0
- 1. Feel++ Consortium
- 2. Cemosis
- 3. CNRS
- 5. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Change Log
v0.102.0 (2017-04-08)
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
- Support install rule in feelpp_add_application #842
- Add project name in feelpp application #841
- Reorganize models into toolboxes #839
- update Eigen3 #828
- Improve interface to Gmsh mesh readers #826
- Improve interface to Gmsh mesh readers #826
- Support GSL #817
- Support mesh scaling to get proper dimension units #805
- Support loading a CSV file #802
- Improve expression Evaluator #797
- Support boost 1.61 #794
- Add support for ipopt #791
- Add support for ipopt #791
- move log files to result directory #787
- Remove some files that are obsolete #773
- Support visibility attributes #772
- cleanup Ginac verbosity #771
- Add support for libc++ in linux #767
- Expose primal, dual and L2 preconditioners in CRBModel #766
- Move physical marker management to MeshBase #765
- Support automatic code reformatting according to Feel++ coding rules #763
- Support elementswithmarkedfaces #762
- CRB / PC #759
- Support PETSc 3.7 #756
- Provide the complement of a set of entities #754
- Support concatenation of entity sets #752
- Support add scalar quantity in Exporter interface #750
- Support buildkite #748
- Supports Eigen::Tensor serialization #744
- support for med format for mesh #735
- Interpolate a dataset #733
- Support for io streams in parallel #715
- loadMesh behaviour when msh filename is wrong #668
- Update gflags/glog support #642
- Add support for external storage in FunctionSpace::Element #393
- Support variable expansion in options #391
- Move levelset core to feel++ #390
- Move levelset core to feel++ #390
- Feature/optimize mesh #832 (prudhomm)
- Feature/optimize mesh #832 (prudhomm)
- Feature/optimize #830 (prudhomm)
- Feature/cmake gflags glog #825 (prudhomm)
- Simplifying some aspects of the runtime environment #788 (prudhomm)
- Feature/visibility #783 (prudhomm)
- Feature/visibility #783 (prudhomm)
- Feature/ls #774 (prudhomm)
- Feature/crb clean #745 (prudhomm)
- Feature/hdg #712 (prudhomm)
Fixed bugs:
- CMake process fails from scratch at GINAC step #860
- FTBS on Debian/Testing with gcc 6.2.0 #818
- FTBS on Debian/Testing with gcc 6.1.1 #812
- Bug in blockns preconditioner when vector is not ghosted #755
- Bug in path of ensightgold scalar quantity file #751
- FTBS applications/crb/heat1d with g++ 4.8.2 #267
Closed issues:
- Reduce quickstart to Laplacian and Stokes applications #837
- Split mesh_partitioner files to reduce memory cost at compilation #835
- Support staged compilation and installation #834
- Support nnz() member function in MatrixSparse class #821
- Bdf - Order > 1 #814
- Update eigen3 #809
- segfault with PtAP in sequential #806
- Support mesh for visualisation in MixedPoisson #804
- Support boundary conditions defined in data file #803
- CMake / CTest #801
- Upgrade Eigen in feature/hdg #799
- Minimal version of Feel++ #790
- Issue with petsc/ublas vector (probably copy) with petsc 3.7 #770
- Document and improve traits for functionspace and their elements #753
- brew install duplicated source #746
- Fix FindPETSc on HomeBrew/MacosX #743
- Cmake installation with install-feelpp #662
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/interpreter #872 (gdolle)
- Feature/minor fixes from imft #871 (Doyeux)
- Feature/mesh memredux #851 (vincentchabannes)
- Feature/slepc mumps #848 (romainhild)
- feature/meshStructured #847 (LANTZT)
- Feature/toolboxes #840 (prudhomm)
- Feature/fix install #838 (prudhomm)
- Feature/fix clang4 #836 (prudhomm)
- Feature/eigen3 #829 (prudhomm)
- Add support for MESH and MED mesh format #824 (Trophime)
- fixes #809 #810 (prudhomm)
- Feature/improve evaluator #798 (prudhomm)
- Feature/ls #796 (prudhomm)
- Feature/glog crbjson #795 (prudhomm)
- Implements Feature/minimal #792 (prudhomm)
- Feature/Holo3 #785 (prudhomm)
- Feature/altair #777 (prudhomm)
- Feature/elements with marked faces #768 (prudhomm)
- Add HDF5 format for CRB database #758 (aancel)
- Feature/petsc37 #757 (vhuber)
- Feature/interpolator #749 (vhuber)
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