Published February 26, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data from: Reindeer trampling promotes vegetation changes in tundra heathlands: results from a simulation experiment

  • 1. University of Bergen
  • 2. Umeå University


This dataset contains all the raw data belonging to the research article 'Reindeer trampling promotes vegetation changes in tundra heathlands: results from a simulation experiment', by Egelkraut, Barthelemy and Olofsson, published in Journal of Vegetation Science. 

The experiment experimentally simulated various herbivore activities (Defoliation, Moss removal, Fertilization, Trampling, FDT, FDTM) on lightly grazed tundra heath vegetation, in order to determine in what way each of these activities cntributed to change in vegetation community and structure. We recorded vegetation composition as well as soil temperature and moisture over the course of 6 years.


Numbers in the species abundance sheet represent hits (touches) per 100 pins in that plots (50x50 cm). 

Soil moisture is in percentage and soil temperature in degrees Celcius.

Data collectors abbreviations:

JO - Johan Olofsson
JG - Jonas Gustafsson
LM - Lauralotta Muurinnen
EL - Elin Lindén
M - Maria
K - Katharina Brinck
HB - Hélène Barthelemy
DE - Dagmar Egelkraut

Funding provided by: Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: 2012-1039, 2012-230, 2015-1091

Funding provided by: Gunnar and Ruth Björkmans fund for botanical research in northern Sweden
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: 2012


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Is cited by
10.1111/jvs.12871 (DOI)