Published April 6, 2017 | Version v1
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Special clitics and the right periphery in Tsotsil

  • 1. University of California, Santa Cruz


This paper documents the distribution of the definite enclitic =e in Tsotsil (Mayan), a clitic which occurs on the right periphery of utterances. On the basis of this distribution, it  is argued (contra some restrictive theories of clitic placement) that =e cannot reach its surface position in the syntax, but must be positioned by the phonology. The property of =e which determines its placement is its obligatory association with the prosodic peak of the intonational phrase, a peak which is located at the right edge of that phrase. The relation of =e to several other elements which likewise occur at or near the right periphery of the intonational phrase in Tsotsil is considered, and a possible historical scenario which can account for the properties of =e is suggested.  



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