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Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Current Issues of Purpose and Control of Antihypertensive Therapy in Outpatient Practice (Clinical Case)

  • 1. I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University


The World Health Organization identifies hypertension (AH) as «the world’s leading global risk of increased mortality from cardiovascular disease». AH is one of the most serious health problems because of its prevalence and importance. Caring for a patient with AH with or without chronic comorbidity requires a long-term holistic, patient-centered approach. The goal of treating a patient with AH is to reduce the overall cardiovascular risk, notu jst to control blood pressure.

The aim is to analyze the possibilities of basic drug therapy and control over its implementation in patients with hypertension in different clinical situations in the practice of a family physician.

Newly detected AH in a patient requires careful examination and appointment of effective comprehensive treatment. The tactics of selection of antihypertensive treatment for a patient with newly diagnosed hypertension are considered on a clinical example. Improving lifestyle and healthy living habits are necessary for all patients with AH, even when antihypertensive medication is mandatory. It is important to regulate blood pressure. The choice of medication depends on the patient’s characteristics and comorbidities.

Care of a patient with hypertension should be carried out holistically with the identification and control of additional risk factors and complications, in parallel with the control of hypertension. At the same time it is necessary to take care of the treatment of some other somatic diseases or mental disorders that may affect the outcome of treatment of hypertension.

