Published February 1, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data from: Shade tree traits and microclimate modifications: Implications for pathogen management in biodiverse coffee agroforests

  • 1. University of Toronto
  • 2. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
  • 3. Centro Agronomico Tropical De Investigacion Y Ensenanza Catie


Diversified coffee agroforests modify microclimate conditions in comparison to monocultures, impacting the success of significant plant pathogens, such as Hemileia vastatrix, which causes coffee leaf rust (CLR). However, research is often limited to the dichotomous analysis of shaded agroforestry systems or unshaded monocultures, often overlooking the nuanced effect of shade tree trait diversity. Our study aims to determine the cumulative effects of shade tree canopy architectural characteristics and leaf functional traits in biodiverse agroforests on microclimate modifications and CLR incidence. We measured plot-level microclimate conditions (air temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness duration, throughfall kinetic energy) in three single-stratum and two double-strata shade tree canopy treatments, including Erythrina poeppigiana, Terminalia amazonia, and Chloroleucon eurycyclum. Commonly reported canopy characteristics and leaf traits were compared to average microclimate conditions and CLR incidence levels. We found that shade tree trait expression significantly explained most microclimate conditions, and that two key shade tree traits (canopy openness, leaf area) significantly explain CLR incidence levels (R2  = 0.211, p = 0.036). Our results highlight the differences in microclimate conditions and CLR incidence among biodiverse agroforests, as well as the important explanatory power of shade tree traits. Specific effects of shade tree traits on pathogen dynamics can cirectly inform agroforestry system design (i.e. shade tree species selection) and sustainable coffee farm management practices (i.e. pruning practices).


Plot traits

Amendment: One of two amendment regimes used in this study, where MC is moderate conventional and IO is intensive organic.

ShadeTree: One of five shade tree treatments, including Erythrina poeppigiana (E), Terminalia amazonia (T), Chloroleucon eurycyclum (C), E. poeppigiana + T. amazonia (ET) and E. poeppigiana + C. eurycyclum (EC).

Block: Each shade tree treatment and amendment regime was repeated in three distinct blocks at the CATIE farm. 

TreeHeight: Total canopy height, measured in meters.

CBH: Canopy base height, measured in meters.

Diameter: Canopy diameter, measured in meters.

Openness: Canopy openness, measured as a percentage.

LeafAngle: Mean shade tree leaf angle, measured in degrees.

LA: Mean shade tree leaf area, measured in cm2.

SLA: Mean specific leaf area, measured in mg/mm2.

LDMC: Mean leaf dry matter content, measured in mg/g.

CLR_incidence: Plot-average CLR incidence at the plant-level, based on 6 coffee plants, measured as a percentage. 

T_max, T_min, T_range: Mean daily maximum, minimum, and range of air temperature per plot, measured as degrees Celsius.

RH_max, RH_min, RH_range: Mean daily maximum, minimum, and range of relative humidity per plot, measured as a percentage.

LW: Mean leaf wetness duration per plot, measured in hours.

TKE_max, TKE_min, TKE_range: Mean daily maximum, minimum, and range of throughfall kinetic energy per plot, measured as joules per square meter.

Intensity: Mean daily rainfall intensity, calculated as the amount of rainfall (mm) divided by the duration of the rainfall event (hours). 

Leaf traits

LeafRep: Five replicate leaf samples were collected for each shade tree species.

LeafAngle: Shade tree leaf angle, measured in degrees.

LA: Shade tree leaf area, measured in cm2.

SLA: Specific leaf area, measured in mg/mm2.

LDMC: Leaf dry matter content, measured in mg/g.


CoffeeRep: Six coffee plant replicates were selected for each plot.

CLR_incidence: CLR incidence at the plant-level, measured as a percentage. 

Funding provided by: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number:


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