Published June 11, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

MR Elastography, perfusion and diffusion data in 9 patients with glioblastoma and 17 healthy subjects

  • 1. Oslo University Hospital


This dataset contains the following data:

Data from 9 patients with histopathologically confirmed, IDH wildtype glioblastoma. Of the patients, there were 4 females and 5 males, between 44 and 75 years (median 53 years). Patient data:

  • T1-weighted images before and after the injection of a gadolinium-based contrast agent (anon_T1 and anon_T1c).
  • T2-weighted images (T2), FLAIR images.
  • EPI-corrected diffusion tensor images (DTI) with corresponding maps of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA)
  • EPI-corrected perfusion images, acquired using a combined single-shot 2D gradient echo-spin echo dynamic susceptibility contrast scan (DSC_GE and DSC_SE), with corresponding maps of cerebral blood volume (nCBV), cerebral blood flow (nCBF), both normalized to normal-appearing white matter, leakage and vessel size index.
  • MR Elastography images, both magnitude (MRE_raw) and phase data (MRE_raw_ph), with corresponding MRE maps of the shear storage modulus (Gd), the shear loss modulus (Gl), the magnitude of the complex shear modulus (Gabs), the phase angle of the complex shear modulus normalized to between 0-1 (Y). MRE quality control maps are also available: the curl (Curl), the divergence (Div) and the nonlinearity.
  • All the above images are available in their native spaces.
  • Segmentations of the contrast-enhancing tumor, necrosis and edema (MNI_space_segmentation), normal-appearing tissue (healthy_mask), mask for normalization to contralateral normal-appearing white matter (norm_mask) and the brain mask (BrainExtractionMask) are presented in MNI space.
  • Also available in MNI space: T1, T1c, T2, FLAIR, ADC, FA, nCBV, nCBF, leakage, vesselSize, Gd, Gl, Gabs, Y
  • Transforms between the native spaces and MNI spaces are also available.

Data from 17 healthy subjects: 8 females and 9 males, between 21 and 34 years (median 25 years). Image data available for healthy subjects:

  • T1-weighted images.
  • EPI-corrected diffusion tensor images (DTI) with corresponding maps of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA).
  • Perfusion images, acquired using arterial spin labelling (ASL_raw_full), with proton-density weighted images (ASL_M0) used for conversion to absolute cerebral blood flow units. Corresponding perfusion maps (ASL_CBF).
  • MR Elastography images, both magnitude (MRE_raw) and phase data (MRE_raw_ph), with corresponding MRE maps of the shear storage modulus (Gd), the shear loss modulus (Gl), the magnitude of the complex shear modulus (Gabs), the phase angle of the complex shear modulus normalized to between 0-1 (Y). MRE quality control maps are also available: the curl (Curl), the divergence (Div) and the nonlinearity.

Details about the acquisition and processing protocols for the data included in this dataset are detailed in:

Siri Fløgstad Svensson, Elies Fuster-Garcia, Anna Latysheva, Jorunn Fraser-Green, Wibeke Nordhøy, Omar Isam Darwish, Ivar Thokle Hovden, Sverre Holm, Einar O. Vik-Mo, Ralph Sinkus, & Kyrre Eeg Emblem. Decreased tissue stiffness in glioblastoma by MR Elastography is associated with increased cerebral blood flow. Eur J Radiol. 2022 Feb;147:110136. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.110136

Users of this data should include references to this publication. Data sharing is for research use only. Data is not intended for  commercial use without a specific approval from the authors.

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Users of this data should include references to this publication:

Siri Fløgstad Svensson, Elies Fuster-Garcia, Anna Latysheva, Jorunn Fraser-Green, Wibeke Nordhøy, Omar Isam Darwish, Ivar Thokle Hovden, Sverre Holm, Einar O. Vik-Mo, Ralph Sinkus, & Kyrre Eeg Emblem. Decreased tissue stiffness in glioblastoma by MR Elastography is associated with increased cerebral blood flow. Eur J Radiol. 2022 Feb;147:110136. doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.110136

Data sharing is for research use only. Data is not intended for commercial use without a specific approval from the authors.

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ImPRESS – Imaging Perfusion Restrictions from Extracellular Solid Stress 758657
European Commission
FORCE – Imaging the Force of Cancer 668039
European Commission
GLIOHAB – Multiparametric imaging of glioblastoma tumour heterogeneity for supporting treatment decisions and accurate prognostic estimation 844646
European Commission