Published July 29, 2019 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Output for: Climate change impact on energy demand in coupled building-urban-atmosphere simulations across the 21st century

  • 1. University of New South Wales


This data is single column model output from the Urban Climate and Energy Model (UCLEM) + the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) for Melbourne, Australia. The data is used in the following study: Climate change impact on energy demand in coupled building-urban-atmosphere simulations (in review).

NetCDF outputs record surface variables at half-hour intervals for the 2x6 century-scale simulations under RCP 8.5. Recorded variables include radiation and turbulent heat fluxes, net storage heat flux, anthropogenic heat fluxes (including heating and cooling fluxes separately), internal air temperatures, precipitation, surface pressure, boundary layer height, cloud cover and 40m air temperature, humidity and wind velocity.

The dataset is made up of two experiments: control and risingAC. The first experiment holds all urban parameters fixed to 2000 levels in order to isolate climate impact. The second raises the proportion of internal spaces with installed air conditioning from 25% to 67% across the 21st century.

These variables are included at 30 minute timesteps

  • upwelling and downwelling longwave and shortwave radiation fluxes
  • sensible and latent heat fluxes
  • net anthropogenic heat flux, with seperate cooling, heating and total building components
  • building air temperature for fully conditioned, partly conditioned and unconditioned internal environments
  • storage heat flux, including soil, building and street storage fluxes
  • precipitation, surface pressure, effective albedo, boundary layer height
  • air temperature at 2m above the urban "surface"
  • wind at 10m above ground
  • wind and humidity at 40m above ground
  • cloud cover

Also 2 example of configuration files are included (only for the ACCESS GCM output, but others are similar):


The simulations were run by Mathew Lipson from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science as part of its research program "The role of land surface forcing and feedbacks for regional climate".


Preferred citation: Lipson, Mathew 2019. CCAM model output for: Climate change impact on energy demand in coupled building-urban-atmosphere simulations across the 21st century v1.0 NCI National Research Data Collection , doi: 10.25914/5d3e4a8074a5f Access to the data is via the NCI geonetwork record in related identifiers, details are also provided in the readme file.



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Journal article: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab5aa5 (DOI)


ARC Centres of Excellence for Climate System Science CE1101028
Australian Research Council