Published April 6, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара


Stereotype phrases attract the attention of linguists not the first decade. However, the  features of functioning of linguistic clichés in political discourse have not yet become the subject a particular linguistic research. The aim of the study is to determine the specifics of Ukrainian-political discourse, in particular, the features of functioning of linguistic clichéin the political discourse in Dnipropetrovsk. The main objective is to study functional loads of speech clichés in political discourse of Dnipropetrovsk and their role in shaping perceptions of the electorate about political activity. The article defines semantic features of use of linguistic clichéin speech of politicians. The specific lexical means of stereotyping speech of public figures and the impact of the speaker’s voice to the recipient were established. The shaped speech clichés which correspond to the notion of stereotype and inherent to political discourse were accentuated. At the analysis determined that the standardized slogans in political discourse ac-quire specific functions: the formation of psychological stereotypes that reflect the needs,  phenomena and semantic layers of the electorate in mind; easy playback of finished  slogans that arise in the imagination of the electorate as a response to the word-association.



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