Published April 6, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

ФОЛЬКЛОРНИЙ КОМПЛІМЕНТ У МІЖКУЛЬТУРНІЙ КОМУНІКАЦІЇ(на матеріалі флористичної лексики та усталених народних порівнянь)

  • 1. Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана


Compliment –  complex specific occrence, which gather several vectors of communication, aswell as personal, intercultural, linguoculturogical and others.The actuality of investigation of folklore compliment with components-floronims, is caused by the necessity of having of the by ethnocultural information, by the communicants that uncov-ers the specificing of the complimental communication between the representatives of the different  cultures and specialities of funtioning of these units in various languages. This will permit to avoid undesirable etiquette and ethnocultural mistakes,and will make a compliment an active and un-failing method of influencans the addressee, and also will give an opportunity to predict the reac-tion of the other culture vector at compliment, it is a product of the ethnical mentality. The goal of the article is to learn the definition of concrete floronims and the particularities of their functioning in comparative clauses, and to mark the repertory of the names of the flowers, which are used in different languages, and to define floronims-tabu for complimental expressions. The task of the article:

– to classificate the compliments with floristic component by functions which represent the name of the flower in various cultures;

– to define the ethnostandarts of similar compliments;

– to find the marks of the compliments for different languages;

– to highlight the variants of exclusive compliments containing floristic elements for separate cultural languages.

The results of investigation:

– the functions of floronims in folklore compliments, that function in various languages are


– thecrosing points of the symbols floronims in different cultures are found;

– the international symbolism of floronims and exclusive symbols-names of flowers are dem-onstrated.

Conclusion. The floristic component of folklore compliment is a part of national culture.  That’s why the knowledge of its semantics’ and nationally orientaited connotations are actual. Ignoranse of this information can lend to misunderstanding between different ethnical groups, and in some occasions – up to intercultural conflicts, what is undesirable in conditions of a modern-global world.



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