Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Cousinia hystricocephala (section Tianschanicae, Asteraceae), a new species from Central Asia

  • 1. Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 7, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: & Herbarium, Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Popov str. 2, RU-197376 St. Petersburg, Russia


Sennikov, Alexander N. (2011): Cousinia hystricocephala (section Tianschanicae, Asteraceae), a new species from Central Asia. Phytotaxa 25: 23-30, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.25.1.3



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  • Kultiassov, M.V. (1925) De Cousinia Schtschurowskiana Rgl. et Schmalh. Bulletin de l'Institut de Pedologie et de Geobotanique de l'Universite de l'Asie Centrale 1: 111-116. (in Russian)
  • Nikitina, E.V. (ed.) (1965) Flora of the Kirghizian SSR 11. Ilim Publishers, Frunze, 611 pp. (in Russian)
  • Omurzakov, S.O., Keshikbaev, A.A., Makhrina, L.I., Eshenkulov, T. & Ryskulbekova, B. (1988) A list of toponyms of the Kyrgyz SSR. Ilim Publishers, Frunze, 213 pp. (in Russian)
  • R Development Core Team (2008) R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna.
  • Sennikov, A.N. (2010) A revision of Cousinia sections Alpinae (syn. Carduncellus), Subappendiculatae and Tianschanicae (Asteraceae) in the Kirghizian Tian-Shan and the neighbouring territories. Phytotaxa 5: 1-30.
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1961) New species of Cynareae (Compositae) from Middle Asia. Notulae Systematicae ex Herbario Instituti Botanici et Zoologici Academiae Scientiarum Uzbekistanicae 16: 51-63. (in Russian)
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1962a) Cousinia Cass. In: Schischkin, B.K. & Bobrov, E.G. (eds.), Flora of the USSR 27: 108-357. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow & Leningrad. (in Russian)
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1962b) Cousinia Cass. In: Vvedensky, A.I. (ed.), Flora of Uzbekistan 6: 230-332. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent. (in Russian)
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1965) Cousinia fetissowii Winkl., Cousinia speciosa Winkl., Cousinia tianschanica Kult. In: Nikitina, E.V. (ed.), Flora of the Kirghizian SSR 11: 281-284. Ilim Publishers, Frunze. (in Russian)
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1991) Cousinia Cass. In: Rasulova, M.R. (ed.), Flora of Tajik SSR 10: 22-114. Science Publishing House, Leningrad. (in Russian)
  • Tscherneva, O.V. (1993) Cousinia Cass. In: Adylov, T.A. & Zuckerwanik, T.I. (eds.), Conspectus florae Asiae Mediae 10: 269-352. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent. (in Russian)