Published May 29, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Arcoscalpellum dubium


Arcoscalpellum dubium (Hoek, 1883)

Fig. 14

Scalpellum dubium Hoek, 1883: 125, pl. IV, figs 14–15.

Arcoscalpellum dubium: Zevina, 1981a: 348; Jones et al., 1990:5; Jones, 2012: 369, tables 1–2.

Material examined. Holotype NHM UK 2013.1085, Stn 184: Pacific, Western Central (Coral Sea); 2560 m.

Diagnosis. The original diagnosis of Hoek (1883) contained no appendage descriptions. The diagnosis should be amended to take into account the presence of a rostrum (See Remarks). A total of 14 capitular plates is present, not 13 as stated by Hoek (1883)

Distribution. Pacific, Western Central. Known depth 2560 m.

Remarks. This species is known from the holotype only. Hoek (1883) noted similarities between the carinal latus of A. dubium and that of Trianguloscalpellum regium (W. Thomson, 1873) and Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (Seguenza, 1876). Newman & Ross (1971) noted similarities with Arcoscalpellum acicularum Newman & Ross, 1971 from off the Falkland Islands taken at a depth of 4008 m, although they also pointed to the absence of a rostral plate in A. dubium as a major diagnostic feature separating these two species. We report here the presence of a small, transparent rostrum in the “Challenger” holotype. More detailed comparative study is required in order to confirm the validity of these species.


Published as part of Shalaeva, Kate & Boxshall, Geoff, 2014, An illustrated catalogue of the scalpellid barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Scalpellidae) collected during the HMS " Challenger " expedition and deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, pp. 1-63 in Zootaxa 3804 (1) on pages 21-22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3804.1.1,


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Arcoscalpellum dubium (Hoek, 1883) sec. Shalaeva & Boxshall, 2014


  • Hoek, P. P. C. (1883) Report on the Cirripedia collected by H. M. S. " Challenger " during the years 1873 - 1876. Systematic part. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage H. M. S. " Challenger ", during the years 1873 - 7, Zoology, part 25 (8), 1 - 169.
  • Zevina, G. B. (1981 a) Cirriped crustaceans of the suborder Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the World Ocean. Part 1. Family Scalpellidae. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, Leningrad, 398 pp. [in Russian]
  • Jones, D. S., Anderson J. T. & Anderson, D. T. (1990) A checklist of the Australian Cirripedia (Thoracica, Acrothoracica). Technical Reports of the Australian Museum, 3, 1 - 38.
  • Jones, D. S. (2012) Australian barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica), distributions and biogeographical affinities. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52 (3), 366 - 387. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1093 / icb / ics 100
  • Seguenza, G. (1873 - 1876) Ricerche paleontologiche intorno ai Cirripedi terziarii della provincia di Messina. Con appendice intorno ai Cirripedi viventi nel Mediterraneo, e sui fossili terziarii dell'Italia meridionale. Parte 1. Balanidi e Verrucidi; Parte 2. Terza famiglia, Lepadidi. Atti del'Accademia pontaniana, 10, 265 - 481.
  • Newman, W. A. & Ross A. (1971) Antarctic Cirripedia. Antarctic Research Series, 14. American Geophysical Union, Washington, 257 pp.