Published September 26, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lychnothamnus major


Lychnothamnus major(Grambast & Paul, 1965)

Soulié-Märsche, 1989

(Fig. 8 H-K)

Rhabdochara major Grambast & Paul, 1965: 241, 242, pl. 2, figs 1-4.

Lychnothamnus major – Soulié-Märsche 1989: 159.

DISTRIBUTION. — Lychnothamnus major has hitherto been recorded from numerous European sites of various ages within the Rupelian. In France, this species occurs in the Paris (Grambast & Paul 1965; Riveline 1986), Aquitaine (Feist & Ringeade 1977), Provence (Feist-Castel 1977a) and Languedoc (Grambast 1962) basins. In Germany, this species has been documented by Feist-Castel (1977a) and Schwarz (1985). Moreover, Kissling (1974) reported this species in the western sector of the Swiss Molasse and Baciu and Feist (1999) from north-western Romania. In Spain, it has already been described from some localities of the Ebro Basin by Choi (1989) and we found it in Sarral and El Talladell (Table 4).


Gyrogonites very large, 780-1000 µm high (mean 900 µm) and 680-840 µm wide (mean 780 µm), ellipsoidal in shape with an isopolarity index ranging from 105-128, (average 117). Spiral cells in the apical zone show a remarkably constant width, which results in a flat apex. Ŋe base is tapered with a star-shaped basal pore, about 180 µm in diameter. Eight to nine (frequently eight) cells visible laterally. Ŋese are normally concave, about 118 µm in width, non-ornamented and separated by prominent sutures which in some specimens are bicarinate.


Many authors have reported that transitional morphotypes occur between L. stockmansi and L. major (Feist-Castel 1977a; Baciu & Feist 1999).


Published as part of Sanjuan, Josep & Martín-Closas, Carles, 2014, Taxonomy and palaeobiogeography of charophytes from the Upper Eocene- Lower Oligocene of the Eastern Ebro Basin (Catalonia, NE Spain), pp. 385-420 in Geodiversitas 36 (3) on pages 404-406, DOI: 10.5252/g2014n3a3,


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Scientific name authorship
Grambast & Paul
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Lychnothamnus major (Grambast, 1965) sec. Sanjuan & Martín-Closas, 2014


  • GRAMBAST L. & PAUL P. 1965. - Observations nouvelles sur la flore de charophytes du Stampien du bassin de Paris. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France 7: 239 - 247.
  • RIVELINE J. 1986. - Les Charophytes du Paleogene et du Miocene inferieur d'Europe Occidentale. Cahiers de Paleontologie, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 227 p.
  • FEIST M. & RINGEADE M. 1977. - Etude biostratigraphique et paleobotanique (charophytes) des formations continentales d'Aquitaine, de l'Eocene superieur au Miocene inferieur. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France 7: 341 - 354.
  • GRAMBAST L. 1962. - Apercu sur les Charophytes tertiaires du Languedoc et leur signification stratigraphique. Comptes Rendus Sommaires des Seances de la Societe Geologique de France 10: 313 - 314.
  • SCHWARZ J. 1985. - Revision der Charophyten-Flora der Susswasserschichten und des Kalktertiars im Mainzer Becken (Oberoligozan-Untermiozan). Mainzer geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 14: 7 - 98.
  • KISSLING D. 1974. - L'Oligocene de l'extremite occidentale du basin molassique Suisse. Stratigraphie et apercu sedimentologique. PhD dissertation Universite de Geneve, 188 p.
  • CHOI S. J. 1989. - Les Charophytes du Bassin Potassique Catalan (Nord-Est de l'Espagne) a la limite Eocene-Oligocene. Paleobiologie continentale 26: 1 - 67.
  • GROVES J. 1926. - Charophyta, in REID E. M. & CHAN- DLER M. E. J. (eds), hve Bembridge Flora. British Museum Catalogue, Cainozoicum Plants, London 1: 165 - 173.
  • UNGER F. 1852. - Iconographia plantarum fossilium. Denkschriften Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenchaftliche Klasse, Wien 4: 73 - 118.
  • BACIU C. & FEIST M. 1999. - Les charophytes oligocenes du nord-ouest de la Transylvanie (Roumanie). Acta Palaeontologica Romana 2: 27 - 29.