- 1. Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
Problem setting. Today new generation of future military professionals must be
prepared for professional activity and life in the ever-changing conditions of military
affairs. Military activity is a specific type of activity. Therefore, higher military education
should become school of high culture of thinking of future military specialists. The
formation of a logical culture of the future military specialist and a holistic personality is
inconceivable without the formation of professional thinking. One of the main shortcomings
in the training of cadets is the problem of solving new technical problems.
Recent research and publications analysis. On the basis of theoretical analysis of
scientific sources and expert assessment of the significance of components of the creative
activity of military specialists professional thinking, the criteria for the development of
each component and their indicators have been defined. This problem is considered by
Zavalishin, Teplov, Yagupov, technical thinking (Kudryavtsev, Kulyutkin, Reshetnikov) and
Paper objective. In the research the theoretical basis and experimental study of
peculiarities of the development of the logical component of future military specialists’
professional thinking in the process of professional training in a higher education institution
have been carried out.
Paper main body. On the basis of theoretical analysis it has been determined that
logical thinking is an important component of the professional skill of a specialist, which
ensures the successful accomplishment of professional tasks, the adoption of optimal
solutions in a certain area of activity, and it is the embodiment of the professional
competences of the individual and the condition for his or her professional development.
The paper deals with the problem of logical thinking as an important component of training
military specialists in psychological and pedagogical sciences. The analysis of thinkingas a psychological cognitive process, in scientific works of foreign and native scientists,
considering the regularities of the human psyche functioning in extreme situations, has
carried out, in order to improve the moral and psychological support of the personnel. The
model of future military specialists training for the development of primary school pupils’
logical skills has been developed and tried out. It includes such units as: purposeful (social
control, aim, tasks); methodological (approaches, principles, interaction subjects); content
and activity (content, forms, means, methods, technologies); assessment and resultative
(criteria, rates, levels, result). Forms, methods and means of educational process according
to the future military specialists training for the development of cadets logical skills have
been improved. This notion has historical character and complex structure: levels of formal
logic and dialectics. The pedagogical ways of formation of culture of thinking of students
are also given. The transition in the educational dialogue from oral to written, from the
external to the internal dialogue, and vice versa, ensures the development of thinking
interlocutors in the process of solving educational problems. Educational dialogue is not
only an exchange of remarks between its participants, but it is their social interaction,
communication, which activates their mental, emotional, sensuous activity. The
characteristics of professional thinking of the organizers of future military specialists,
which need to be developed to achieve professionalism in the professional military activity,
have been considered.
Conclusions of the research. Practical meaning of the obtained results lies in the
development and implementation into the educational process of establishments of higher
education the diagnostics methodology of the future teachers’ readiness levels for the
formation of military specialists logical skills. The number of academic hours has been
increased to study the methodology of solving tasks in logic. The characteristics of
professional thinking of the cadet, which need to be developed to achieve professionalism
in the professional military activity, have been considered.
PETROVA L. O., KVITKIN P. V., DIATLOVA I. V. стр. 105-118.pdf
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