Problem setting. Due to the rapid development of digital technologies, the issue of
status settlement and the use of artificial intelligence technologies is especially relevant.
This fact indicates the need and importance of finding answers to the question and aims
to intensify and unite the efforts of the scientific community to address relevant issues. One
of the areas of scientific research is the doctrinal development of new phenomena and processes that have arisen and are taking place in the state and legal sphere under the
influence of digitalization of economics, management and law. The tasks of scientific
research are to comprehend the impact of the digitization process on the state and legal
sphere of society; law as such; assessment of the transformations that are taking place and
identification of trends in their dynamics; forecasting the state of these phenomena in the
future; formulation of fundamental and applied problems of legal science in terms of
doctrinal development of the laws of development and functioning of law, state and legal
sphere of society in the conditions of digital reality, determination of approaches to their
Recent research and publications analysis. An analysis of recent research and
publications shows that scientific research on this issue is carried out mainly within the
economic, political, computer, legal sciences, although the problems and prospects of
digitization of law require a deep and thorough philosophical, including philosophical and
legal understanding. The rapid development of new technologies, in particular artificial
intelligence technologies, the Internet of Things, cloud technologies, etc., is contributing
to changes in current legislation. Today, advanced economies are already pondering the
question of regulating the status and use of AI technologies. While these are only the first
bold steps, in the future, all of these can affect global changes in the legal system – perhaps
full-fledged comprehensive institutions of law, even the branches of law.
Paper objective. The purpose of this article is a philosophical and legal understanding
of the impact of digitalization on the state and legal sphere of society and law as such.
Paper main body. One of the practical aspects of digitalization is the manifestation of
the state’s ability to provide various services. If necessary, citizens receive certificates,
records, statements, responses to electronic inquiries, electronic payments. Other practical
aspects, provided that these technologies are used wisely, can improve welfare in education,
public safety, and health. In addition, digital imaging can also help address common global
issues, such as climate change and greater access to health care and mobility.
At the same time, according to many researchers, along with the benefits of digital
technologies, including artificial intelligence, new types of ethical issues are being raised,
namely compliance with legal ethics standards by artificial intelligence systems and justice,
the most important of which are respect for human rights and democratic values. , as well
as the danger of transferring prejudices from the analog to the digital world. Researchers
have linked the legal challenges of using artificial intelligence technologies in legal practice
to a number of issues. In particular, with such as: ensuring data confidentiality; access to
confidential law enforcement information; lack of regulatory framework for the use of
artificial intelligence systems in legal practice; protection of intellectual property; risk
assessment of the use of artificial intelligence systems by a lawyer when working with
a client; other potential problems of lawyer’s liability; dangers of unauthorized access and
modification of artificial intelligence systems by attackers; damage to artificial intelligence
systems by malicious virus programs; violation of the terms of providing advice from
artificial intelligence systems in case of technical problems, etc. Therefore, the development
of systems that transparently use artificial intelligence and are responsible for their results
is critical. Artificial intelligence systems must function properly and safely.According to experts, the unresolved in Ukraine of many political and legal issues
related to the rapid development of the information and communication sphere with the
advent of digital technologies has become dangerous. It is obvious that the transformations
in society associated with these processes require new approaches to the development of
national policies for the digitalization of society, which should be based on international
agreements. Due to these transformations, there is a need to develop strategic documents
that will regulate this area. These documents should be flexible and designed to take into
account the maximum amount of data, as well as ensure the free development of innovative
technologies and prevent possible risks.
Issues of development of the digital economy and society of Ukraine do not fully meet
today’s conditions, not enough account is taken of the transformations that have emerged
and are currently taking place both in law and in the field of legal regulation under the
influence of digitalization. Digital technologies are able to change the image of law, to
influence its regulatory potential and efficiency, to open the way or to block its action in
new dimensions of social reality. Traditional rather than digital vision of law, legal
technologies and certain types of legal activity by legislators is a consequence of the lack
of relevant scientific developments that will identify and explain the impact of the digitization
process on the law and the legal sphere of society. The practical need for this kind of
research is now greater than ever. In order to satisfy it, scientists should intensify work in
this direction.
Conclusions of the research. The new digital reality puts forward new requirements
for legal science and legal practice, including the development of effective tools and models
of legal regulation of various spheres of public life. In modern conditions, law becomes
not only a means, a tool that provides digitalization of the economy, government and other
segments of social life, but also the object of digitalization. With the development of digital
technologies, the contradiction between the need for quality both in terms of form and
content of regulations, as well as the ability to meet it in a short time. The task of the state
is both to provide favorable conditions conducive to digitalization and to create opportunities
for their implementation.
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