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Published April 30, 2021 | Version DRAFT
Project deliverable Open

OPERAS-P Deliverable D6.4: Report on the innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications


Project manager:

Project member:

  • 1. OpenEdition


Given the growing need to strengthen the bonds between stakeholders involved in scholarly communication and multilingualism, this WP has a three-fold purpose: (i) synthesize evidence in the literature as to innovative dynamics of knowledge-sharing and scholarly communication within linguistically diverse scholarly contexts and research networks; (ii) have a better understanding of the role of multilingualism within bibliodiversity in scholarly communication, through the lens of publishers and translators/researchers; and (iii) present the conceptual design of a future OPERAS Translation Platform aiming at supporting translation services at the scholarly communication level (involving publishers, translators, researchers).


OP6.4_UC_Report on innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications.pdf