Published May 25, 2021 | Version v1
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Workshop notes: Code of Conduct for the Social Sciences and Humanities

  • 1. GESIS- Leibniz Institute for the Social Science


Working in open access, implementing reusability of research data, and FAIR principles, addressing legal and ethical issues are some of the key aspects of daily work for researchers striving to be in line with the principles of integrity, accountability, independence and impartiality. In recent years, many researchers have indicated the need for some guidance, standards, a code of conduct to support them to comply with GDPR while using data for the research. To fill this gap and support open access and reusability of research data within the context of EOSC, the SSHOC partners initiated work on a Code of Conduct for the Social Sciences and Humanities. The first results and achievements, outstanding work, and examples of creating a Code of Conduct for Health and Life Science were communicated during a 2,5-hours online workshop held on 17th of March 2021. The outcomes of the workshop are summed up in this notes that were published on the SSHOC web page:


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European Commission
SSHOC – Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 823782