Published February 27, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Study of dust collection effectiveness in cyclonic-vortex action apparatus

  • 1. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
  • 2. Sumy State University


The object of research is the efficiency of dust collection of fine dust in an apparatus with an intense turbulent mode of phase interaction. One of the most problematic areas of the existing dust and gas cleaning equipment is the low efficiency of collecting fine dust. Effective cleaning of exhaust gases from dust involves the use of multi-stage cleaning systems, including wet and dry dust cleaning devices, which entails high capital and operating costs. These disadvantages are eliminated in the developed design of the cyclone-vortex dust collector with two contact zones. The device implements both dry and wet dust collection mechanisms, which allows for high efficiency of dust removal at high productivity.

The conducted studies of the total and fractional efficiency of dust collection when changing the operating parameters of the developed device showed that the efficiency of collecting fine dust is 98–99 %. The increase in the efficiency of dust collection in the dry stage of the device is due to an increase in centrifugal force. In the wet stage of contact, the efficiency reaches its maximum values due to the vortex crushing of the liquid in the nozzle zone of the apparatus. Studies of the fractional efficiency of the apparatus show that with an increase in the diameter of the captured particles, the efficiency of the dust collection process for dry and wet stages, as well as the overall efficiency, increases. With an increase in the density of irrigation, the overall efficiency of dust collection in the apparatus increases. It has been established that an increase in the efficiency of capturing highly dispersed particles occurs due to turbulent diffusion, the value of which is determined by the frequency of turbulent pulsations and the degree of entrainment of particles during the pulsating motion of packed bodies. To describe the results obtained, a centrifugal-inertial model for a dry contact stage and a turbulent-diffusion model of solid particle deposition for a wet contact stage are proposed, which make it possible to calculate the dust collection efficiency of the contact stages, as well as the overall efficiency of the cyclone-vortex apparatus.

The results obtained show the prospects of using devices of this design at heat power plants and other industries.


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