Published May 20, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

FAIR data Austria Webinar: professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands

  • 1. Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL)


Slide deck for the May 20 FAIR data Austria webinar 'what does a data steward do'

You want to take your research data management to the next level, but do not know how? Would you like a contact person who can provide you with advice and support throughout the lifecycle of your research data?

The team of the FAIR Data Austria project cordially invites you to the webinar “What does a Data Steward do?”. 

The webinar “What does a Data Steward do?” will introduce you to the experts who can provide you with comprehensive advice and support on your research data management questions and challenges. You will gain interesting insights into the role and tasks of data stewards that span the entire research data lifecycle. Take this opportunity to learn more about data stewardship and the tools and services available.


  • Mijke Jetten, Marjan Grootveld, Annemie Mordant, Mascha Jansen, Margreet Bloemers, Margriet Miedema, & Celia W.G. van Gelder. (2021). Professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands. Competences, training and education. Dutch roadmap towards national implementation of FAIR data stewardship.
  • NPOS/ELIXIR Data Stewardship competency framework:


FAIR data Austria Webinar_ professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands_20210520.pdf