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Published May 19, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

The ex-ante evaluation of financial benefits in the SENSEI P4P scheme

  • 1. Factor4


Energy retrofits of buildings have for long been known to deliver more benefits than solely energy cost savings. The report describes a methodology for the monetization of these ‘multiple benefits’.  Their ex-ante estimation is an important task for the energy efficiency aggregator when developing a P4P scheme. The outcome of the corresponding business case is also instrumental in attracting potential financiers of P4P schemes.  

In the report a selection is provided of methods to quantify and monetize the multiple benefits listed underneath:  

  • energy cost savings,  

  • employee productivity increase due to increase comfort  

  • increased building value,  

  • optimized operation and maintenance costs,  

  • avoided costs for the power system.  

With respect to energy cost savings, the report also investigates the minimum data set that is required to enable the aggregator to assess the contribution of energy retrofits to a P4P programme.  

Finally, the report makes a first attempt to investigate the contractual arrangements to allocate the benefits in a P4P scheme, with a particular focus on the investor perspective. 


The ex-ante evaluation of financial benefits in the SENSEI P4P scheme.pdf

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SENSEI – Smart Energy Services Integrating the Multiple Benefits from Improving the Energy Efficiency of the European Building Stock 847066
European Commission