Digital transformations of service marketing: theoretical fundamentals and directions
- 1. Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
- 2. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
- 3. H. S. Skovododa Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
The conceptual approaches to definition of the purposes, principles and directions of the digital transformation of marketing activity of enterprises offering services according to technologies and methods of Marketing 4.0 have been proved on the basis of modern theories of service marketing. The inclusiveness and customer-focused of digital marketing services have been revealed. The omnichannel of marketing communications on the basis of integration and availability of online and offline channels of service enterprises and clients interaction, digitalization of client managerial experience has been substantiated. The Object of Research: digital marketing of services in the context of the Marketing 4.0 concept. Investigated Problem: the essence and directions of digital transformations of marketing activities in the field of services. Main Scientific results: the inclusiveness and customer-focused of digital marketing communications based on cross-channel interaction and digital managerial models of customer experience have been revealed on the basis of the analysis of theoretical approaches to the characteristics of service marketing and determining the directions of its development in the digitalization of the economy and in accordance with the Marketing 4.0 concept. Field of Practical Usage of Research Results: practical activity of service enterprises on application of digital marketing mix transformations and marketing communications channels. Innovative Technological Product: the main principles and directions of marketing services digital transformation, that is inclusiveness and customer-focused of marketing communications, omnichannel as integration and availability of online and offline interaction channels as well as digitalization of customer experience management have been substantiated. Field of Application of Innovative Technological Product: theoretical researches and practice of digitalization of marketing communications of the service enterprises.
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