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Published May 17, 2021 | Version 0.0.8
Software Open

neurostuff/NiMARE: 0.0.8

  • 1. Florida International University
  • 2. University of Texas at Austin
  • 3. Big Data Institute, University of Oxford
  • 4. Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University
  • 5. Neuroscience Program, University of Iowa
  • 6. Department of Psychology, Stanford University
  • 7. Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University
  • 8. National Institute on Aging
  • 9. National Institute of Mental Health
  • 10. Auburn University
  • 11. Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
  • 12. MIT


Release Notes

This release includes a number of bug-fixes, along with enhancements to how many tools within NiMARE implement low-memory options. In addition, we have renamed the CBMA estimators' null methods. The "analytic" method is now "approximate" and the "empirical" method is now "montecarlo".

  • [REF] Rename CBMA null distribution generation methods (#494) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Add informative error when NeuroVault collection is not found (#500) @tsalo
  • [ENH] Support symmetric GCLDA topics with more than two subregions (#499) @tsalo
  • [DOC] Add sphinx-copybutton to docs requirements (#502) @tsalo
  • [ENH] Incorporate information about valid masking approaches into IBMA Estimators (#495) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Deal with extreme t-values in t_to_z by truncating associated p-values (#498) @tsalo
  • [TST] Add flake8-isort to test dependencies (#493) @tsalo
  • [REF] Miscellaneous GCLDA cleanup (#486) @tsalo
  • [DOC] Add new functions and classes to API documentation (#490) @tsalo
  • [ENH] add images_to_coordinates (#446) @jdkent
  • [ENH] Add check_type function (#480) @tsalo
  • [REF] Add low_memory option to Estimators and add function for moving metadata from Dataset to DataFrame (#476) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Set Dataset.basepath using absolute path (#474) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Find common stem in find_stem instead of largest common substring (#472) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Replace misspelled "log_p" with "logp" (#468) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Assume non-symmetric null distribution in ALESubtraction (#464) @tsalo
  • [TST] Add memmap test. (#463) @jdkent
  • [REF] Write temporary files to the NiMARE data directory (#460) @tsalo
  • [REF] Use saved MA maps, when available, in CBMA estimators (#462) @tsalo
  • [FIX] Neurovault name collisions (#457) @jdkent
  • [FIX] Update niftimasker in dataset blob (#459) @jdkent
  • [FIX] Add work-around for maskers that do not accept 1D input (#455) @jdkent
  • [ENH] Add low-memory option for kernel transformers (#453) @tsalo
  • [ENH] add function to convert neurovault collections to a NiMARE dataset (#432) @jdkent
  • [FIX] Ensure IBMA results have the expected number of dimensions (#450) @jdkent
  • [STY, TST] Add flake8-docstrings to requirements (#435) @tsalo



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