Published May 14, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. ESP teacher, English language department Bukhara state medical institute
  • 2. 1st year student of Bukhara State Medical Institute, International Faculty, specialty-pediatrics
  • 3. 1st year student of Bukhara State University, faculty of foreign language, specialty - English language and literature


In today's time, as the world develops, various infectious diseases and viruses are spreading. The fight against infectious diseases, including the protection of children's health, is a very important issue in the country. The medical profession plays a special role in the fight against infectious viruses that spread around the world.



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  • 1. V. M. Tsyrkunov. Children's infectious diseases 2013
  • 2. V. M. Tsyrkunov. Infectious diseases 2012
  • 3. Zarnigor Djalilova Obidovna Comparative Analysis Of Uzbek Men's And Women's Speech Through The Prism Of Gender Linguistics // CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE. - 2021. - №2. - С. 22-26.
  • 4. Zarnigor Djalilova Obidovna STUDIES ON GENDER LINGUISTICS IN THE FIELD OF UZBEK LANGUAGE // Academic research in educational sciences. - 2021. - №3.