Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A New Perlodes Species And Its Subspecies From The Balkan Peninsula (Plecoptera: Perlodidae)

  • 1. Mátra Museum, Kossuth Lajos u. 40, H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary E-mail:
  • 2. 55 Bd Joseph Vallier, F 38100 Grenoble, France E-mail:
  • 3. Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Baross u. 13, Budapest, Hungary E-mail:
  • 4. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P.O. Box 290, SLO-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail:


Kovács, Tibor, Vinçon, Gilles, Murányi, Dávid, Sivec, Ignac (2012): A New Perlodes Species And Its Subspecies From The Balkan Peninsula (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Illiesia 8 (20): 182-192, DOI:



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