Published May 9, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

سلطة اللغة وحِجاجيتها في الخطاب السياسي

  • 1. د. محمد


Abstract: The political discourse invokes the various means of argumentation to influence and coax the recipient in order to persuade him/her to accomplish an action or take a specific decision in line with the will of the speech producer. Therefore, the weapon of the sender in political discourse is language through which, he/she not only urges, commands, threatens, promises, and warns but also tries to influence and persuade the addressee and direct his/her behaviour. In other words, it is an appropriate tool of controlling, exercising power, and achieving the strategic goals of parties, governments, and the media. Henceforth, it mobilises the masses and public opinion to appeal to them and respond to the content of their political speeches. On this basis, we can talk about the overlap and the dialectical relationship between the authority of language and the power of politics.


Key words: Language authority- Argumentation - Political Discourse


IJJA, A special issue of the Second International Periodic Conference on “Humanities, Social and Sports Sciences, 2021,NO23,2021,PP283-292,PDF.pdf

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