Published April 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Teaching Vocabulary to B1 Level Students

  • 1. Master's degree student at NamSU. Sharifjon Nematjonov, Teacher of NamSU.


Teaching vocabulary at the intermediate (B1) level is a difficult task because students require more attention than their enthusiasm for learning. According to the CEFR, B1 level candidates in ESL learning (i.e., intermediate independent users of the target language) are required to understand the key point of straightforward, normal feedback on familiar matters experienced on a daily basis at work, education, etc. Additionally, they are required to be in a situation to manage most circumstances prone to emerge when they are utilizing the objective language at home or abroad, in different social settings. They can create a straightforward intelligible book on subjects of individual or social interest and they can depict encounters and occasions, dreams, expectations, and aspirations and momentarily offer reasons and clarifications for thoughts and plans.

Key words: vocabulary, learners, knowledge, scheme, five-step procedure, technique, etymology, acquainting, prefixes, suffixes,


This article has been published at, Issue:4, Vol.#3, April 2021.


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