Published December 28, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Review of international scientific data on the polyzhinax use in the treatment and prevention of vaginitis of different etiology

  • 1. N.I. Pirogov NMSC, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2. FSBI "D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology", Moscow, Russian Federation


A significant prevalence of infectious-inflammatory diseases of female genital organs is one of the most urgent problems of gynecology. The combination of various bacterial and bacterial-fungal associations of microorganisms in the vaginal biotope leads to the formation of complex indistinct clinical manifestations, which complicates diagnosis. Incorrect diagnosis and inadequate treatment increase the frequency of vaginal infection relapses and contribute to prolonged course of the disease.

Polygynax as one of the long-established drugs in Ukraine has not lost its significance despite the emergence in the national pharmaceutical market of an increasing number of drugs for local treatment and prevention of vulvovaginal infections. This medicinal product contains neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulphate and nystatin. The choice in its favor is based on a large array of accumulated data, which has shown its high efficiency and safety for the treatment and prevention of vulvovaginal infections in reproductive aged women.

Based on the described in the article researches, the wide spectrum of the polygynax encompasses the main pathogens of bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Polygynax showed high efficacy against C. albicans strains, and especially in C. non-albicans resistant strains (including fluconazole resistant strains). Unlike oral medications, local treatment makes it possible to avoid the development of resistance to pathological microflora. Polygynax does not suppress normal vaginal flora and does not disturb its balance. Due to its characteristics, it is a drug of choice for local therapy of vaginitis. This is especially true in cases where, for a number of reasons, treatment should be initiated immediately, before obtaining the results of a microbiological study. In addition, the benefits of this drug should also include the simplicity and ease of use, the absence of absolute contraindications, the possibility of use in patients with extragenital pathology, in adolescents and postmenopausal women, and the local route of administration can reduce the pharmacological burden on the body.


Review of international scientific data on the polyzhinax use in the treatment and prevention of vaginitis of different etiology.pdf

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