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Published June 9, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Dataset from "The story of a steep river: causes and effects of the flash flood on 24 July 2017 in western Norway"

  • 1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology


All the data needed to build a numerical model of the study case described in the manuscript "The story of a steep river: causes and effects of the flash flood on 24 July 2017 in western Norway", including the shapefiles of roads, buildings, bridges, the dimensions and openings of the three still-standing bridges (a, b, d) as measured after the flood, the location of the dam weir crest used for the estimation of the flood hydrograph in Bruland (2020), the hydrograph with the highest expectancy proposed therein, as well as pre- and post-event DEMs, orthophotos and catchment area publicly available on and and are provided in this dataset. Moreover, all the results presented in the manuscript of the original study and usable for model calibration and validation, such as the preferential flow paths, the main critical points and the mapped wet and dry areas during the 2017 flood (both at Qpeak and the maximum for the entire event) are also provided in this data set. 


This data set was confectioned with funding from the World of Wild Waters project, under the umbrella of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)'s Digital Transformation initiative.


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Journal article: 10.3390/w13121688 (DOI)


  • Bruland, O. (2020). How extreme can unit discharge become in steep Norwegian catchments? Hydrology Research, 51(2), 290–307.
  • Norwegian Mapping Authority (2013). Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Stryn, resolution 0.5m.
  • Norwegian Mapping Authority (2017). Digital Elevation Model (DEM) NVE laser flaum Utvik i Stryn, resolution 0.25m.
  • Norwegian Mapping Authority (2015). Orthophotographs Sogn, pixel size 0.25m (online).
  • Norwegian Mapping Authority (2017). Orthophotographs Flaum Storelva Utvik, pixel size 0.1m (online).
  • Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate. NEVINA Nedbørfelt-Vannføring-INdeks-Analyse (NEVINA Catchment area-Water Flow-Index-Analysis) Available online: (accessed on Mar 26, 2019)