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Published May 3, 2021 | Version 1 (Submitted version)
Other Open

Prevalence of Thyroid Morphology Changes in an Area with Adequate Iodine Intake

  • 1. Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
  • 2. Nutrition Institute, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA


Abstract submitted to 34th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (October 20-23, 2021)


Funding: The Nutrihealth study was part of the research project L3-8213 "Children's and adults' nutrition as a protective or health-risk factor", funded by the Slovenian Research Agency and Ministry of Health of Republic of Slovenia. This work was also supported within the research program P3-0395 (Nutrition and Public health) and project L7-1849 (Challenges in achieving adequate vitamin D status in the adult population). We acknowledge support of Irena Rogelj, head of research project L3-8213.


Preabstract_Prevalence of Thyroid Morphology Changes in an Area with Adequate Iodine Intake.pdf