Published May 2, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

التفسير الجدلي للأدب العربي، دراسة في المقامة والموشح والمسرح

  • 1. د. علي بن محمد



This study aims to apply dialectical interpretation to Arabic literature in its different historical and contemporary stages . This interpretation shows the impact of the community’s infrastructure (the environment and the social conditionsi) on Its superstructure (thought, culture, art and various knowledge). refering to the dialectical equation ,literature is a form of the superstructure in which purposes, races and phenomena are a direct reflection of society, environment, and social conditions. This study deals with three forms of arabic literature and explains them in terms of the underlying infrastructure. The study deals with representation at the three arts of literature, and explains them in terms of the underlying infrastructure. We stand at "Al-Maqamah" originating with Badi 'al-Zaman al-Hamadhani. Then we stand at the art of muwashah, which appeared as a poetic art in Andalusia, and we conclude with the art of theater which was not produced by the conditions of society, but rather controlled the delay in its transfer or reception; So we try to explain the secret of his delay with a dialectical explanation.


Key words: interpretation, dialectic, maqama, muwashshah, theater.


IJJA, A special issue of the Second International Periodic Conference on “Humanities, Social and Sports Sciences, 2021,NO14,2021,PP 176-187,PDF.pdf

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Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.4732903 (DOI)