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Published May 2, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

From Strategic Management to Information Strategy Management It will be possible to increase the available time Strategic Decision Making?


  • 1. Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Graduate School of business sciences, Campus of IPS Estefanilha, 2900-053 Setúbal (Portugal)


This article investigates the main concepts and activities of information,while it is in the strategic decision-making system, treated by literature. Since information has become the source of value of the global economy for organizations, information plays a key role in contributingto the development oforganizations' performance by selecting business-relevant information. The relationship between strategic information management and business activities contributes to the strategic decision-making processfor a more effective and efficient decision-making process. Understanding the importance of information as a strategic resource in the management of organizations is becoming more important for strategists, than the formulation ofstrategic models,of industrial society. In the 21st century no Manager will be able to define and implement the strategy successfully, without a basic understanding of information for strategic decision making.



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