Published May 25, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Glyptholaspis asperrima

  • 1. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060 - 8589, Japan E-mail: dwibadra _ yk @ yahoo. com & Corresponding author
  • 2. Biological Laboratory, Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo, 5 - 3 - 1 Ainosato, Kita-ku, Sapporo 002 - 8502, Japan
  • 3. The Hokkaido University Museum, N 10 W 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060 - 0810, Japan
  • 4. Kyushu Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI), 4 - 11 - 16 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860 - 0862, Japan


Glyptholaspis asperrima (Berlese, 1905)

Holostaspis asperrimus Berlese, 1905: 163, fig. 25.

Macrocheles (Macrocheles) asperrimus: Berlese 1918: 172.

Glyptholaspis asperrima: Filipponi and Pegazzano 1960: 166, fig. 9, tav. XI; 1962: 202; Krantz 1967: 150–152; Roy 1989b: 346–348, figs 10–14.

Material examined. Km 18: 1 female, Acacia mangium Willd plantation, 23 December 2006, ex residue in vial. Km 22: 1 female, A. mangium plantation, 23 December 2006, ex Onthophagus semicupreus Harold, 1877. Km 23: 3 females, 17–22 December 2007, ex residue in vial. Km 24: 1 female, A. mangium plantation, 21 December 2006, ex residue in vial; 2 females, 7–12 December 2008, ex residue in vial.

Diagnosis. Female. Dorsal setae z1 half as long as j1; setae j6 and z6 located at same level; J5 as long as Z5; posterior margin of dorsal shield with regularly spaced small teeth between setae Z5. Sternal shield fused with metasternal shield and ornamented with distinct polygonal ornamentation.

Habitat. This species has been collected from the scarab beetle genera Aphodius, Catharsius, Copris, Onitis, and Onthophagus; otherwise it has been collected from cow dung, compost, manure, etc.

Distribution. Indonesia [Bali, Sulawesi, Flores, Java, Kalimantan (new record)], Philippines, China, India, England, Iceland, Italy, Greece, South Africa, Congo, and North America.


Published as part of Dwibadra, Dhian, Takaku, Gen, Ôhara, Masahiro & Ueda, Akira, 2014, Mites of the Family Macrochelidae (Acari: Gamasida) from Sungai Wain, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, pp. 43-57 in Species Diversity 19 (1) on page 44, DOI: 10.12782/sd.19.1.043,


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  • Berlese, A. 1905. Acari nuovi. Manipulus IV. Redia 2: 154 - 176.
  • Berlese, A. 1918. Centuria quarta di Acari nuovi. Redia 13: 115 - 192.
  • Filipponi, A. and Pegazzano, F. 1960. Acari del genere Glyptholaspis nom. nov. pro Macrocheles (Macrocheles) Berl. 1918 (Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae). Redia 45: 133 - 171.
  • Krantz, G. W. 1967. Insects of Micronesia. Acarina: Mesostigmata: Macrochelidae. Insects of Micronesia 3: 149 - 154.
  • Roy, R. K. 1989 b. Indian species of the genus Glyptholaspis (Acari: Macrochelidae) with description of two new species. Pp. 343 - 53. In: Channabasavanna, G. P. and Viraktamath, C. A. (Eds) Progress in Acarology, Vol. 1. E. J. Brill, Leiden.